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Get Formidable Forms

Here's What Our Community is Saying:

With Formidable Forms, I can create as many conditions as necessary so that I can fully understand the needs of each student that applies to my school with just one form.

Andy Wu

I’ve been using Formidable Pro on various sites for longer than I can remember. I’ve used it to power a vacation rental site, a property management site, an inventory management site, portions of an eCommerce site, and various other projects. Over many years, the team at Formidable keeps making the product better and more powerful... Definitely worth the money for anyone that needs a powerful and flexible forms plugin.


Trusted By More Than 300,000 Businesses

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More Awesome Formidable Features

Multiple File Upload Forms

Easily upload documents, files, photos, and music for user avatars, featured images, or email attachments.

PayPal Integration Add-On

Collect instant payments or recurring payments to automate your online business.

API Webhooks Add-On

Send submissions to REST APIs and add webhooks for forms, views, and entries.