Advanced Custom Forms (ACF) is excellent, but nothing makes your job easier than having an ACF form builder.

Formidable Forms is the no-code solution to speed up your site-building process dramatically! Our form builder can help you build any form imaginable. And with our ACF Forms Add-on, you can effortlessly connect those forms to your Advanced Custom Fields. It’s time to unlock near-limitless potential on your WordPress sites!
Now, you can easily update ACFs from the front end via any form you create with Formidable. Build a form with our drag and drop builder, map it to your ACF fields, and press the submit button. Simple.
Don’t spend hours coding ACF forms on your own! Formidable has you covered with zero limitations and all the upside you could ever ask for.
Why do you need an ACF form builder?
ACF is a great tool with a huge number of users. Those users come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from pro WordPress developers to casual creators who discovered ACF in their WordPress theme.
It’s no secret that ACF is powerful (that’s why so many WordPress theme authors use it). Make no mistake, though, ACF is a developer-centric plugin. And sadly, any forms you want to use with Advanced Custom Fields must be created with code.
If you aren’t a code-wiz, that’s a tall order. But even if you are an experienced web dev, there's no telling how much time a no-code form builder could save you.
So here we are. You need an easy way to update and/or create content with Advanced Custom Fields; this is where an ACF form builder comes in handy.
Should you ‘learn to code’ ACF forms?
Without an ACF Form builder, you’ll run into two major challenges:
- Building front-end forms (with code)
- Mapping those forms to your Advanced Custom Fields
Let’s dig a bit deeper.
1. Building forms for ACF
First, building an ACF frontend form without an additional plugin is possible. However, as we mentioned before, it requires some sharp coding skills. ACF includes development documentation for building forms, but you’ll still need to build them from scratch.

Yes, it’s possible, but building and styling your forms manually takes a lot of time. So how about this instead: use our ACF form builder to save countless hours (just like thousands of other users worldwide)!

2. Mapping forms to Advanced Custom Fields
Next, you’ll need to connect your forms to your custom fields. Well, you can do this the easy way or the hard way.
The hard way involves a lot of brainpower, trial, and error (ding ding! That means more coding). The easy way involves a few clicks, and that’s it.
Let’s see what Formidable Forms + ACF can do together!
How do ACF forms work with Formidable?
There’s a lot that Formidable Forms can do, but let’s start with our ACF add-on. With this solution, you can create a front-end form to edit a post or update your ACF fields to achieve various website-building goals.
Here’s what it does in a nutshell:
- Create front-end forms with ACF field mappings
- Supports mapping 19 ACF field types (including pro fields)
1. Create front-end forms with field mappings
With Formidable, creating forms couldn’t be easier - use our drag & drop form builder straight from your WP admin:

Any form you create can be mapped to your existing custom fields, allowing you, your colleagues, and your users to update ACF fields easily. Field mappings are a cinch, and no code is required.
You can map multiple fields to a single page. It’s as simple as clicking a button!

From there, you are in control. Just map your Formidable fields to your ACF fields or field group directly from the UI in the admin panel.

Say goodbye to post_id & acf_form_head or any of the bits of code you’d need to properly code forms and map fields. Just use Formidable - our WordPress plugin will put you on easy street.
2. Supports mapping 19 ACF field types (including pro fields)
Formidable Forms itself has 35+ field types that can be mapped with up to 19 ACF field types, including:
- The most common fields (ACF text, checkbox, file upload, image, etc.) ✅
- The most advanced Pro fields (ACF repeaters, groups, galleries) ✅
For a full list, check out our help docs detailing all the possibilities for ACF forms in WordPress!
The coolest thing is that the Formidable fields can be mapped in various ways. In other words, you won’t be locked into a 1-to-1 relationship.
Here are some examples of how a single Formidable Form field can be mapped to a variety of different Advanced Custom Fields:
- Single Line Text ➡️ Map to ACF Text, Textarea, Password, Wysiwyg Editor, Select, Radio, Button Group.
- ParagraphText ➡️ Map to ACF Textarea, Password, Wysiwyg Editor.
- Radio Buttons ➡️ Map to ACF Text, Password, Select, Radio, Button Group.
Formidable can also map to ACF Pro fields like repeaters. If you use repeaters, you know they are a powerful yet challenging tool… not anymore!
All you need to do is create a group with sub-fields in ACF, then map the fields in your Formidable Form like so:

Let’s go! Now, let’s see what else Formidable can do.
What else can this ACF form plugin do?
Do you need the capabilities of ACF extended? Check!
But Formidable can do so much more than that. Our easy-to-use form builder can handle every form on your site - from simple contact forms to complex multi-step forms. No PHP, no CSS, no HTML.
For over ten years, we’ve helped thousands of happy customers build forms on their WordPress sites—and we want your site to be next!
The ultimate ACF form builder
With dozens of form functions, Formidable is the only form builder you’ll ever need. Here’s what it can do.
Advanced forms for Advanced Custom Fields
Are you ready? Here’s a rapid-fire list featuring some of the advanced form building features you’ll find in Formidable:
- Create multi-step forms, quizzes, conversational forms, and more
- Style forms using our built-in visual form styler
- Easily allow Ajax submissions
- A variety of spam protection options
- Built-in user registration system
- Calculated fields & math
- ECommerce fields & payment gateways like Stripe
- Much more!
Custom database tables
Formidable gives you the power to input data (via forms or import), a UI to search, sort, and filter data, plus tools to visualize data & build data relationships.
That means you can store and use your data on your own WordPress site (not the cloud). But we won’t limit you. You can export
Display data visually with Formidable Views
Formidable Views allows you to create dynamically updated visual modules placed anywhere on your site. Create a form and then decide how to display the data with our low-code interface.
If you think that sounds like a better alternative to ACF Pro Blocks, we would agree!
Powerful form settings and form actions
In Formidable, things that happen after a form is submitted are called “form actions”. You’ll find there are a lot of them listed on our feature pages, but here are a few popular ones:
- Send Email notifications to the person who submitted the form, or yourself, or your team members.
- Sign up visitors to a Mailchimp list, a Hubspot list, or an Active Campaign list (plus several more).
- Collect a payment after a customer fills out a form.
- Trigger conditional logic to do different things depending on the data received in the form.
- Our Zapier add-on can help you trigger a huge number of actions, too.
Compatible with your website
We pride ourselves on how compatible Formidable is. You can easily insert Formidable blocks into Gutenberg or add our shortcode anywhere, even in popular site builders like Elementor and Beaver Builder.
Customer support + help docs
Lastly, we have the most awesome support team in the world! Plus, we’ve written many help docs and tutorials to help you achieve your WordPress goals.
Getting started with Formidable
Getting started with Formidable and our ACF Add-on couldn’t be easier. Just check out our pricing page, download Formidable, and install. You’re on your way!
Plus, our 14-day money-back guarantee makes it risk-free to try Formidable. Don’t love it? Don’t worry. We’ll refund all your money if so. It’s time to take your ACF game to the next level.
This feature is included in the Formidable Business plan and higher.

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