- Formidable Glossary
- Dashboard
- Video Tutorials
- Installation and Downloads
- Global Settings
- Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the difference between the Lite (Free) and Premium versions?
- Why am I receiving duplicate entries?
- Why is the HTML removed from my form?
- Where is my data stored?
- How do I create temporary admin access for support?
- Why can't I activate Formidable Forms?
- Why isn't my form sending emails?
- Why am I getting a white screen when I activate Formidable?
- Why isn’t the form builder page working after I updated?
- How to check for plugin conflicts?
- How do I place multiple fields on the same row?
- Why doesn't my form look pretty?
- Why do I see a 404 page when i save my form settings?
- Why did the options at the end of my large form stop saving?
- Why is there HTML showing in my email?
- Why is my JavaScript not working? (i.e. datepicker, calculations, conditional logic...)
- Why won't a CSV file import correctly?
- Why isn't my form submitting?
- How can I set up Google Analytics with my forms?
- What is the empty field at the top of my form?
- How do I translate Formidable?
- Does Formidable use caching?
- Form Building
- Manage Forms
- How to Create a Form
- Add Spam Protection
- Automatically Populate Fields
- Field Types
- Use a Scale with Button
- Captcha
- Submit Button
- About Field Types
- Single Line Text
- Surveys and Polls
- Paragraph Text
- Checkboxes and Radio Buttons
- Dropdown
- Email Address
- Website/URL
- Repeater Fields
- Section Heading
- Page Break
- File Upload
- Rich Text
- Number
- Phone Number
- Date
- Time
- Scale
- Star Ratings
- Toggle
- Number Slider
- Dynamic (Relationship)
- Lookup
- Embed Form
- Hidden Field
- User ID
- Password
- Tags
- Credit Card
- Summary Field (Review Before Submit)
- Address
- Name
- Pricing Fields
- Field Options
- Form Settings
- Form Publishing
- Examples
- Applications
- Manage Views
- Create a View
- Advanced View Concepts
- Filtering Entries
- View Settings
- Visual View Settings
- Publish a View
- How to Publish a View with a Block
- Create Posts, Pages, and Custom Posts
- Customization Panel
- Examples
- How to Add Events to Google Calendar with IFTTT
- How to Set Up Comments
- How to add star ratings to posts and forms
- How to Add a "Like" or "Add to Favorites" Button
- How to create a side-by-side product comparison
- How to offer a protected file and download file on submit
- How to Create a Word Cloud
- How to Add a Coupon Code Field
- How to sort a view across multiple pages
- How to Make a Sortable Table
- How to send emails to subscribers who submit a form
- How to Display Real Estate Listings
- PHP Examples
- How to get custom development help with Codeable
- JavaScript Examples
- CSS Examples
- Formidable Shortcodes
- Database Schema
- Formidable Cookies
- Formidable Hooks - for Developers
- How to Use Formidable Hooks
- Form Appearance
- frm_scroll_offset
- formidable_shortcode_atts
- frm_form_attributes
- frm_forms_dropdown
- frm_jquery_ui_base_url
- frm_setup_new_form_vars
- frm_success_filter
- frm_form_error_class
- frm_message_placement
- frm_run_honeypot
- frm_global_login_msg
- frm_global_failed_msg
- frm_global_invalid_msg
- frm_global_setting
- frm_form_strings
- frm_fields_in_form_builder
- frm_fields_in_settings
- frm_images_dropdown_output
- frm_images_dropdown_input_attrs
- frm_images_dropdown_option_image
- frm_images_dropdown_option_classes
- frm_images_dropdown_option_html_attrs
- frm_submit_button_html
- frm_disallow_unfiltered_html
- frm_pro_default_form_settings
- frm_chat_progress_text
- frm_chat_start_page_content
- frm_form_enctype
- frm_use_custom_header_ip
- frm_conf_input_backend
- frm_back_button_class
- frm_summary_email_content_args
- frm_html_summary_emails
- frm_allowed_form_input_html
- frm_display_form_action
- frm_main_feedback
- frm_form_classes
- frm_invalid_error_message
- frm_submit_button_action
- frm_submit_button
- frm_submit_button_class
- frm_form_fields_class
- frm_ajax_load_styles
- frm_show_form_after_edit
- frm_entry_form
- frm_filter_final_form
- frm_entries_footer_scripts
- get_frm_stylesheet
- Field Appearance
- frm_repeat_start_rows
- frm_radio_class
- frm_date_field_options
- frm_add_form_style_class
- frm_allow_date_mismatch
- frm_currency
- frm_fields_in_tags_box
- frm_radio_display_format_options
- frm_choice_field_option_label
- frm_fields_in_form
- frm_include_dropzone_in_minified_js
- frm_include_maskedinput_in_minified_js
- frm_focus_first_error
- frm_include_alert_role_on_field_errors
- frm_section_is_open
- frm_pro_show_password_icons
- frm_chosen_js
- frm_phone_pattern
- frm_should_dynamic_field_use_option_label
- frm_use_chosen_js
- frm_custom_html
- frm_replace_shortcodes
- frm_field_input_html
- frm_recaptcha_lang
- frm_field_div_classes
- frm_field_classes
- frm_file_icon
- frm_load_dropzone
- frm_selectable_dates
- frm_date_field_js
- frm_datepicker_formats
- frm_get_paged_fields
- frm_rte_options
- frm_combo_dropdown_label
- Field Options and Values
- frm_user_id_display
- frm_field
- frm_field_value_object
- frm_currencies
- frm_images_dropdown_args
- frm_radio_display_format_args
- frm_entry_values_include_fields
- frm_entry_values_exclude_fields
- frm_entry_values_fields
- frm_pro_fields_in_dynamic_selection
- frm_pro_fields_in_lookup_selection
- frm_switch_field_types
- frm_pro_fields_in_summary_values
- frm_unique_field_key_separator
- frm_unique_form_key_separator
- frm_address_sub_fields
- frm_dynamic_field_include_drafts
- frm_new_form_values
- frm_autocomplete_options
- frm_prepare_data_before_db
- frm_restrict_options_for_logged_out_users
- frm_error_substrings_to_replace_with_field_name
- frm_should_search_admin_entries_created_at_in_utc
- frm_field_validation_include_data_attributes
- frm_setup_new_fields_vars
- frm_setup_edit_fields_vars
- frm_get_default_value
- frm_field_type
- frm_data_sort
- frm_bulk_field_choices
- frm_get_categories
- frm_sanitize_shortcodes
- frm_allowed_times
- frm_set_comparison_type_for_lookup
- frm_order_lookup_options
- frm_filtered_lookup_options
- frm_show_it
- frm_lookup_is_current_user_filter_needed
- Entry Management
- frm_validate_field_entry
- frm_validate_entry
- frm_after_create_entry
- frm_after_update_entry
- frm_entries_before_create
- frm_check_blacklist
- frm_include_meta_keys
- frm_entries_list_query
- frm_input_masks
- frm_field_value_saved
- frm_show_delete_all
- frm_admin_search_options
- frm_filter_admin_entries
- frm_process_honeypot
- frm_filename_spam_keywords
- frm_process_antispam
- frm_form_token_check_before_today
- frm_form_token_check_after_today
- frm_duplicate_check_val
- frm_max_filename_length
- frm_delete_temp_files_period
- frm_fields_in_entries_list_table
- frm_fields_to_validate
- frm_after_duplicate_field
- frm_stop_file_switching
- frm_protect_temporary_file
- frm_entry_formatter_class
- frm_prepend_and_or_where
- frm_entry_formatter_format
- frm_entries_show_args
- frm_formatted_entry_values_content
- frm_after_destroy_entry
- frm_before_duplicate_entry_values
- frm_check_file_referer
- frm_protected_file_readonly_permission
- frm_saved_errors
- frm_new_post
- frm_add_entry_meta
- frm_upload_folder
- frm_delete_message
- frm_redirect_url
- frm_is_field_hidden
- frm_user_can_edit
- frm_allow_delete
- frm_update_entry
- frm_pre_update_entry
- frm_pre_create_entry
- frm_before_destroy_entry
- frm_time_to_check_duplicates
- frm_create_cookies
- frm_after_duplicate_entry
- Customize the Email Notification
- Form Actions
- frm_email_header
- frm_use_embedded_form_actions
- frm_email_control_settings
- frm_action_logic_value
- frm_skip_form_action
- frm_api_post_response
- frm_form_action_limit
- frm_api_request_args
- frm_get_met_on_submit_actions
- frm_get_run_success_action_args
- frm_redirect_delay_time
- frm_create_default_email_action
- frm_create_default_on_submit_action
- frm_on_submit_action_options
- frm_pro_repeater_action_support
- frm_before_action_settings
- frm_custom_trigger_action
- Display Data
- frm_where_filter
- frmpro_fields_replace_shortcodes
- frm_graph_value
- frm_show_entry_dates
- frm_filter_where_val
- frm_search_for_dynamic_text
- frm_filter_view
- frm_search_any_terms
- frm_before_day_content
- frm_display_[field type]_value_custom
- frm_views_fields_in_create_view_popup
- frm_graph_id
- get_canonical_url
- frm_display_inner_content_before_add_wrapper
- frm_views_table_class
- frm_filter_final_view
- frm_display_value
- frm_no_data_graph
- frm_filter_auto_content
- frm_google_chart
- frm_view_order
- frm_graph_data
- frm_before_display_content
- frm_after_display_content
- frm_display_entry_content
- frm_display_entries_content
- frm_no_entries_message
- frm_page_link
- CSV and XML Management
- frm_map_csv_field
- frm_after_import_form
- frm_csv_sep
- frm_csv_line_break
- frm_csv_date_format
- frm_default_templates_files
- frm_csv_format
- frm_csv_column_sep
- frm_editing_entry_by_csv
- frm_xml_response
- frm_export_csv_headings
- frm_fields_for_csv_export
- frm_xml_filename
- frm_should_import_files
- frm_csv_value
- frm_csv_columns
- frm_csv_filename
- frm_csv_where
- frm_csv_headers
- Creating Add-ons
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