WordPress Microsoft Excel Integration

Get Formidable Forms

Here's What Our Community is Saying:

Best Forms Tool Ever. Great for forms with entries storage, ability to integrate with PayPal, create complex check out forms and deliver the best results for clients that are always asking for more customization!


Our form submissions for our website are vital to our business. This plugin is easy to work with and super-flexible. It integrates with many other systems, such as MailChimp and Zapier. With Zapier, the possibilities are almost limitless. Even if you are just doing basic form work, I highly recommend this plugin.


Trusted By More Than 300,000 Businesses

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More Awesome Formidable Features

Use form templates get started quickly and then customize to fit your needs.

WordPress Math Forms

Powerful WordPress form math for simple & advanced arithmetic.

Mobile-Friendly, Responsive WordPress Forms

Forms are sized automatically for each device so everyone can submit them.