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Here's What Our Community is Saying:

Formidable Pro has allowed us to rapidly build beautiful, intuitive user experiences for our 4,000 filmmakers, composers, and judges.

Stephen Brody

My favorite forms product. Most of the new websites I work on will only use Formidable. I love all the new modules. They are constantly making the product better and keep it up to date.


Trusted By More Than 400,000 Businesses

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More Awesome Formidable Features

Zapier Add-On

Connect with 2,000+ applications through Zapier including Google spreadsheets, Twitter, or Dropbox.

Customize Form HTML

Alter the HTML for any form element for an unparalleled range of options for layout, style, and functionality.

Simple Entry Management

Update, search for and delete form submissions directly from your Wordpress dashboard.

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