Net Promoter Scores can tell you a lot of about your customers' experience. So what is NPS? Let's talk about it and learn about the Net Promoter Score calculation!

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a metric that gives you insight into how loyal a customer is. If a user has a high NPS score, they're more likely to recommend your services to others. Learning how to calculate and interpret these scores is key if you want to improve your customers' experience.
Fortunately, this task is easier than you might think, particularly if you have access to Formidable Forms. Using this plugin, you can put together surveys that enable you to calculate NPS scores for each user. You'll also have access to our templates for NPS surveys.
In this article, we'll talk a bit more about what NPS scores are and what they mean. Then we'll show you how to calculate a net promoter score using Formidable Forms. Let's get to work!
What is NPS (and how does it work)?
So, just what is NPS? In a nutshell, NPS is a metric that measures your customer's experience. The more positive a user's experience, the more likely they are to become "net promoters" and share your products and services with others.
The opposite also holds true. A negative NPS score translates to a dissatisfied customer. Unhappy users may spread negative word of mouth, leave bad reviews, and warn friends not to use your services.
Overall, this customer feedback helps determine future business growth. If customers aren't recommending a company, it won't grow nearly as big or fast than those with happy customers.
To determine an NPS score, you use a scale that ranges from the very negative to the highly positive:

Traditionally, businesses use a simple ten-point scale for calculating NPS. If a customer falls within the middle of the scale, they don't have a strong opinion about your products or services.
When it comes to NPS surveys, you can break down respondents into four categories, including:
- Dissatisfied (0-6). These are customers that have had highly negative experiences with your products or services.
- Passive/Neutral (7-8). These are customers that may be happy with your services, but not overly so. This means they might be open to switching to your competitors.
- Promoters (9-10). These are your most enthusiastic customers and supporters. They're the ones that are most likely to promote your brand.
Understanding why a customer might be ecstatic or unhappy with your business is key to its improvement. Dissatisfied voices, in particular, can have a lot to say about your products. Therefore, it's essential that you figure out what made those users' experiences so negative.
Tips for designing a successful NPS survey
Multiple-point scales are at the core of every NPS calculation. A symmetrical scale with multiple points enables customers to rate their satisfaction with a high degree of precision.
A ten-point scale is the perfect sweet spot for NPS surveys. If you have more points than that, it can be hard to determine if a customer is satisfied or not. On the other hand, fewer points don't give users enough options when it comes to rating their experience.
A successful NPS survey also offers users the option to elaborate on their ratings. For example, you can ask customers what they'd like to change about your services or what additions they'd like to see:

The more information that you can collect from customers, the more insights you'll be able to gain from your survey. Though to gain the right insights, you have to ask the right NPS survey questions. Let's talk about how Formidable Forms can help you gather that data.
What is the net promoter score calculation?
The Net Promotor Score calculation results can range from -100 to 100. 100 means that 100% of your customers love your company. A score of 0 would indicate that half of your customers love you, and half, well, just don't.
While average scores vary from industry to industry, generally anything above 0 is considered a good score and above 80 is amazing.
To calculate the score, first add up the number of Promoters and Detractors. Then, divide each of these numbers by the total number of responses to get the percentage.
( ( # of promoters / total ) * 100 ) – ( ( # detractors / total ) * 100 ) = Net Promoter Score
Too complicated? Here's a calculator to help (along with happy faces to let you know you're doing well):
How to calculate a net promoter score using Formidable Forms
Want all of this done for you? Fortunately, Formidable Forms offers one of the most comprehensive tools for building surveys and quizzes, so you won't even have to think about it.
If you use the Business or Elite version, you already have access to our NPS survey template. Or, just add an NPS field to your own form.
To access that template, navigate to Formidable → Forms → Add New in your WordPress dashboard. A window will pop up showing all the templates. Go to the search bar and type NPS. Then, click on Survey and you'll see the following result:

Next, set a name and description for your new form. When you're ready, you'll be directed to the Formidable Forms builder. Here's what the NPS survey template looks like:

Remember that Formidable Forms enables you to edit every aspect of its templates. This means that you can modify all of the questions and prompts that you see in this survey example.
To get a full report of your NPS survey results, you can access the REPORTS tab for that form. This report includes a full breakdown of survey answers and a dedicated section for NPS scores:

Higher average scores translate to an overall positive customer experience. Negative averages, on the other hand, tell you that there are aspects of your customers' experience that could do with some drastic improvements.
Calculating NPS scores is easier than you might think, especially if you have access to the right tools. These scores give you a lot of information about your customers 'experience. For instance, they can tell you if users are satisfied with your products and point out areas that could do with some fine-tuning.
Our Formidable Forms plugin offers an NPS survey template that you can customize to fit your needs. The template automatically calculates NPS scores for each respondent. It also gives you access to a full report.
Are you ready to set up an NPS survey? Formidable Forms helps you get started straightaway! Our customer service team is here to back you up. (Our NPS score is 52!)
Very interesting - I have seen NPS surveys before, but didn't know much about them. NPS is a useful metric.
Hello. Is there a way to change the a 10-point scale to 6-point scale for NPS field?
Hi there, Our NPS field is specifically used to collect and calculate the Net Promoter Score, and requires a 1-10 scale to do so and can not be changed.
We do have a basic slider field type that can be modified to a 6-point scale. We also have a slider field that could be used similarly.