Use the formresults shortcode to show all form entries in a table on the front-end. The presentation of data is not customizable with this shortcode. If you need more control, you can create a View.
Form entries table shortcode
Insert the following shortcode in a page, post, or anywhere shortcodes are accepted.
[formresults id=x]
Display entries from a particular form in a table. Replace 'x' with the form ID.
- id - The ID of a form
- cols - Limit the number of columns in your table. If not specified, this defaults to 99. Usage: [formresults id=x cols=4]
- fields - Specify which fields to include in your table. Use a comma-separated list of field keys or IDs. Use fields='id' to include the id of the entry. Usage: [formresults id=x fields="id,25,26,27"]
- google - Use Google tables. This will allow you to paginate and automatically sort your table. Usage: [formresults id=x google=1]
- pagesize - Set the page size if using Google tables. Defaults to 20. Usage: [formresults id=x google=1 pagesize=10]
- sort - Turn off Google table sorting, which is on by default. Usage: [formresults id=x google=1 sort=0]
- style - Turn Formidable styling on or off. By default, Formidable styling is loaded. Disable styling with style=0. Usage: [formresults id=x style=0]
- no_entries - The message if there are no entries to display. If not specified, this defaults to "No Entries Found". Usage: [formresults id=x no_entries="No Entries"]
- clickable - Make the email addresses and URLs into clickable links with clickable=1. Usage: [formresults id=x clickable=1]
- drafts - Show only drafts in your table with drafts=1. Show both drafts and published entries with drafts=both. By default, draft entries will not be included in the formresults table. Usage: [formresults id=x drafts=1]
- user_id - Show entries for a specific user with any user ID, username, or "current". Usage: [formresults id=x user_id="current"]
- edit_link - Include a column with a link to edit the entries. The edit link will only appear if the logged-in user has permission to edit entries. Usage: [formresults id=x edit_link="Edit"]
- page_id - If you include an edit link, add the ID of the page where the form is located. Usage: [formresults id=x edit_link="Edit" page_id=592]
- delete_link - Include a column with a link to delete the entries. The delete link will only appear if the logged-in user has permission to delete entries. Usage: [formresults id=x delete_link="Delete"]
- confirm - If you include a delete link, you can set a custom confirmation message before the entry is deleted. Usage: [formresults id=x delete_link="Delete" confirm="Are you sure you want to delete this?"]
Create a table with editable links
Follow this guide to display form entries in a table using the shortcode. The table will include a column with links to edit or delete each entry.
PHP Alternative
echo FrmProEntriesController::get_form_results(array('id' => x));
'x' = ID of a form
For complete customization of the way the form data is displayed, you must create a View instead.
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