GetResponse is an email marketing service for managing contacts and sending newsletters and campaigns. Learn how to use GetResponse forms on your WordPress site.
Download and install
- If you haven't already, install and activate the current version of Formidable Forms Pro on your WordPress site.
- After confirming your Formidable Forms license, proceed to the Formidable → Add-Ons page and toggle on the GetResponse WordPress plugin.
Set up GetResponse integration
Once the GetResponse WordPress plugin is installed, a new global settings tab and form action will be available. Your WordPress site needs to be linked to your GetResponse account.
- Go to and log in. Click the Tools icon from the top menu and navigate to Integrations and API.
- Select the API tab to find your API key. If no API key is listed, click the Generate API key button.
- In a new browser tab, go to Formidable → Global Settings → GetResponse. Copy and paste your GetResponse API key on the Formidable Global settings page.
Create GetResponse forms
Now, the form is ready to be mapped to the GetResponse fields.
- Go to Formidable → Forms. Navigate to your form Settings → Actions & Notifications tab. Then click the GetResponse icon to add a GetResponse action to your form.
- Give your GetResponse action an Action Name for easy reference. It will only be seen on the back end.
- Select the GetResponse list and then connect fields from your form with the GetResponse fields. Be sure to map all required GetResponse fields, like First Name and Email.
- (Optional) To see the custom fields, map the initial GetResponse fields (First Name, Last Name, Email) first, then update the form.
- By default, double opt-in is disabled in the GetResponse settings. To use this feature and require contacts to confirm their email address by clicking on a confirmation link before being added to your list, you can follow these steps:
- Navigate to Contacts → Lists. Choose the specific list you want to edit, then hover over the Actions menu and select Settings.
- You can toggle the API subscriptions option in the Subscription tab to turn on the double opt-in feature.
- Navigate to Contacts → Lists. Choose the specific list you want to edit, then hover over the Actions menu and select Settings.
- Submit the form. After confirming the double opt-in email, a new contact will be added in GetResponse.
No GetResponse lists found
If you're seeing this error message after following the setup instructions above, the below suggestions might help.
- Have you added the correct API key in your Formidable → Global Settings → GetResponse page?
- Install the Formidable Logs add-on to get more details about any errors that might be preventing your data from getting to GetResponse.
To see logging messages after any API calls, install the Formidable Logs add-on. Once installed, you will find GetResponse logging messages on the Formidable → Logs page. The details on this page will include any messages returned by the API call.